The height of the TV in the bedroom: instructions for beginners on how to make the correct calculations with your own hands (real examples)

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Author of the article

Nikolay Smirnov

Electrician by training. He has extensive experience in a variety of fields, including renovation work, furniture manufacturing, plumbing work, etc. Currently, he provides services mainly to private customers (small house and garden work, installation of doors and furniture, plumbing and electrical repairs, etc. .).

A TV in the bedroom is a fairly common type of technology in this room. Many people like to watch movies or TV shows before going to bed or immediately after waking up, although doctors do not recommend this.

In this article we will tell you what a bedroom with a TV should look like so that it is as convenient, safe and compatible with the interior of the room as possible.

Acceptable height for TV

Based on the availability of free time, citizens devote varying amounts of time to watching television. The owners often rest and relax in this way, after work or on weekends, so it is important to create a cozy viewing experience. Before buying a TV you should consider:

  • TV dimensions. Based on the diagonal of the TV, you need to make a decision about where it is best to place it;
  • finding accompanying equipment, such as a game console or DVD player. After all, they take a certain place;
  • type of TV, its mounting.

A suitable visual trajectory directly to the TV is equal to about 2-4 times the size of its diagonal.

What to pay attention to

A new TV always means positive emotions, pleasant hopes and anticipation of something incredibly interesting. All this, of course, is incredibly good, but in the wake of enthusiasm it seems very important not to make a mistake with its correct installation on the wall

To do this, you need to take into account the following factors:

interior features - the location of the TV should be clearly visible and should not be overloaded with unnecessary details;

the size of the room is an important point that determines the location of the furniture for viewing;

the average height of family members - everything is simple here: we add up the total “footage” and divide by the number of household members;

placement of the outlet - any television receiver will require at least a pair of outlets, so pay attention to the distance to the nearest one if you don’t want to clutter the space with ugly wires;

dimensions of the device - the larger the diagonal, the higher you can fix it on the wall, this is due to the fact that the viewing angle narrows considerably with distance;

furniture features - the height of a sofa, armchair or any other furniture also affects the viewing angle, so not taking this information into account when deciding on the hanging height would be an unforgivable mistake.

Correct placement of the TV on the wall

An excellent way is to mount the TV on the wall a little higher than the center, then it will be convenient for the person lying down to watch the color image without strain. Location options that involve tilting your head, or, conversely, placing a second pillow under your head, due to the fact that the screen is very low, are not suitable, no matter how necessary they may seem from the interior perspective. There is a method - to place the television set in a wooden wall, often there is a compartment there.

TV distance from floor

Thinking about the question: at what height should I install the TV in the bedroom? It is worth understanding that there are no exact rules in this regard, so it is advisable to build on your needs.

To find out the appropriate placement of the TV on the wall, you need to sit in a chair or on an ottoman and close your eyes for a while. Once your eyes open and focus on the wall, that place will be the appropriate location for your device.

It is not recommended to install the television device at a distance of less than 1 m from the floor. This height will become impractical and low, because at such a height the equipment can quickly break down due to the actions of children, animals, as well as due to an adult accidentally touching it.

The optimal height of the TV from the floor to the center of the TV receiver has been developed; it is 1.4-1.6 m for standard rooms, and 1.6-1.8 m for rooms with high ceilings.

Influencing factors

It is worth noting right away that there is no universal level of placement of any TV that is convenient for every person. Since there are many factors influencing this indicator, namely:

  • distance to TV;
  • TV size;
  • height of furniture for viewing;
  • eye level (height) of the viewer;
  • viewer's viewing position.

There are many more similar nuances on which the choice of TV location depends.

Other options

When the owner wants to look at the blue screen with his head on the pillow, he will need to move the TV receiver to the height of his gaze and slightly tilt the top of the device away from the wall. The lifting distance directly depends on the position of the body and is usually equal to 15-20%, and the surface of the screen should be located perpendicular to the visual trajectory.

In the sleeping room, sometimes the screen is mounted almost under the ceiling on an inclined, rotating or extendable holder. In this method, the height of the TV in the bedroom opposite the bed from the floor is selected within 1.5-2 m.


If you plan to install the device not on the wall, but on the ceiling, using a ceiling bracket, then the height of the TV from the floor in the bedroom will not be at a constant level, it will change towards the selected position of the parts.

An interesting option is the type of holder on which you can hang it not on the wall opposite the bed, but directly above the resting place. Of course, it is important to ensure the reliability of the fastenings for the strength of the mechanism and select television receivers that are not too heavy.

Location Tips

To hang a TV in the bedroom on the wall and its height from the floor is correct, you must first decide how it will mainly be used:

  • as a background (when falling asleep or doing something);
  • for comfortable viewing;
  • like rest (lying in bed).

What to pay attention to first:

  • screen diagonal, knowing the size, you can already decide where it is possible to install the TV;
  • when connecting related devices (TV set-top box, DVD player, etc.) additional space will be required;
  • modification of the TV, method of mounting (installation), dimensions.

A comfortable distance from the face to the screen should be approximately two to four diagonals.

It is advisable not to clutter the bedroom space with cabinets and hanging devices. If possible, it is better to mount the TV directly to the wall, so it will not interfere, take up extra space and will be safe for children to access.

Pros and cons of the location

Deciding on the location of your TV will help not only the thought of convenience, but also the safety of the television device - no one would want to part with it a couple of months after purchase.

There are household appliances, the proximity of which can harm the TV. Let's consider whether it is worth choosing sections of walls above devices and certain places for mounting TV:

  • above the fireplace. A fireplace with a hearth or an electric fireplace can become very hot. Open flames can cause sparks. Now modern fireplaces are manufactured according to fire safety standards, and therefore are made completely insulated. Hot air leaving the fireplace moves to the side and then rises. Usually things standing on the fireplace are not damaged, which means that a TV hanging 0.5 m higher will not be damaged either;
  • above the battery. The radiator rarely gets too hot to cause damage to the unit. In modern times, no one keeps the pipes of the house bare; they are usually hidden under the protection of covers. However, if you place the TV directly to the heating pipe, damage to the shell and even the screen will not take long to occur;
  • across from the window. This is an infrequent location - in it the bed is installed right next to the window. Hanging the TV opposite the window is possible, but not always convenient. During the daytime, it is difficult to see anything on the display due to the reflection of the sun. To solve this problem, buy thick curtains or blinds. If another option is available, choose it;
  • under the air conditioner. If the air conditioner is well taken care of, it is not dangerous for the TV, but it will not be possible to take everything into account. If the split system breaks down, sparks may occur or liquid may leak. The owners may not notice the breakdown in time and start doing something when the device has already deteriorated beyond repair. Another such combination, in the form of a TV under an air conditioner, has an unaesthetic appearance. It is better to place such equipment on other sides of the room.

Nuances of installation in different places

When choosing the final location for new equipment, you need to rely not only on personal comfort, but also on the safety of the equipment. Modern TV models are not cheap, especially when it comes to multifunctional models. It is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the “neighborhood” of certain types of equipment. Placing a monitor near them may be harmful to the equipment.

Above the fireplace

A fireplace, whether real or electric, is capable of maintaining high temperatures. If we are talking about a standard fireplace, then this is a source of open fire, from which sparks periodically fly out, which can cause damage to equipment. A fire may occur.

Most buyers are now opting for modern fireplaces. Unlike their counterparts, they are completely insulated and fireproof. The warm air coming from the flame first passes forward and only then exits through the top.

These characteristics indicate that objects placed on the fireplace are protected from flames. Despite this, you can only hang the TV at a distance of 0.5 meters from the edge of the fireplace.

Across from the window

The screen is very rarely hung opposite a window, as the sun's rays will interfere with enjoying the bright picture. But if there is no other option, then this placement option is also possible. In this case, the windows need to be covered with curtains made of thick fabrics that do not let in sunlight. Roller blinds are great. They are practical and can instantly darken windows.

Above the battery

As a rule, the batteries are located low enough so as not to cause damage to the equipment. Also, modern heating equipment is often covered with special heat-resistant structures or covers. Exposed pipes spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room.

In order for the equipment to perform all the necessary functions, it must be placed on the wall at a distance of approximately 0.5 meters from the battery. This way the equipment is not in danger. Otherwise, the case or the screen itself may be damaged under the negative influence of high temperatures.

Under the air conditioner

This arrangement is possible if you regularly maintain the split system. If the air conditioner suddenly breaks down or starts leaking, water will flow onto the TV, which may cause a short circuit. Also, moisture from the air conditioner may gradually enter under the TV case, which is often not noticed by the residents of the house.

It is better to avoid this combination of equipment, since an air conditioner together with a TV will not always look neat and aesthetically pleasing.

Ways to successfully position equipment.

A wall-mounted TV can become a key element of the interior. It can be used as a color decorative element

To draw attention to the technology, the wall on which the monitor is installed is decorated with bright colors. When choosing a color scheme, you need to select shades that will combine with each other

The style of the interior is also taken into account, because each direction is characterized by a certain set of colors.

If you are going to mount the TV to the wall, you need to choose a reliable ergonomic mount. The equipment is mounted on a special structure, which must be strong enough to support the weight of the equipment. It is recommended to entrust the installation of a TV receiver to professionals. If you hang a TV on the wall without securing it properly, it may collapse at any moment.

Modern TV in the interior

How to install a TV in the bedroom so that it fits into the overall interior? When the room is large, an exclusive wall is installed under the TV, which forms the highlight of the decoration.

If the bedroom is small, in a strict manner, then the TV is installed on the wall without any decoration. Sometimes you don’t even have to lift the plasma onto the wall. Such TVs are often placed on a cabinet.

The advantage of this option is that you don’t need to look for ways to hide the wires going to the TV. A method is used to disguise a framed TV as a picture. The plasma is placed in a cabinet or mounted on a cabinet door. This method is useful for economical use of space.

How to choose a TV for the bedroom

When deciding which TV to choose for the bedroom, you should consider several parameters:

  • The model and color of the TV should match the overall style of the bedroom;
  • The diagonal of the TV must correspond to the size of the room and the distance from the viewer;
  • The TV should be placed as close as possible to an existing outlet or a new one should be made at the stage of renovating the bedroom.

It is worth noting that the worse the image quality on the screen, the further it should be from the eyes. For example, if you buy a 50-inch TV, you can watch 720p video on it from a distance of 2.92m, but 1080 - from 1.98m.

It is also worth considering that your eyes become most tired when in direct contact with the screen; if you watch TV at an angle, for example, lying on a bed, your eyes will strain less.

Height of TV sockets

The release of improved televisions occurs regularly. Then the owners purchase new equipment. It is not an easy task, many times to reinstall sockets to another place, it is worth placing them in a place where they do not have to be moved.

The constant height of TV outlets in the bedroom is known. In the bedroom, where you watch channels and different programs while lying down, it is better to place the product at a height of 2 m. When installing new sockets, you will need to keep a guide to the height of the TV, the center of which should be at eye level.

Placement in the kitchen

To determine the best place to hang a TV on the wall in the kitchen, you need to know the total footage of the room, as well as the length of the distance from the hostess’s workplace to the maximum possible height of the monitor installation location.

Considering the time component of viewing when working in the kitchen of the housewife, you should mainly take care of the safety of those around the installed monitor. If there are a large number of children in the house, you should think about the maximum possible suspension level and a safe mounting location for the monitor for everyone.

Therefore, it is worth assuming that in a small room, you should hang the TV at the maximum possible height of the suspension (175 cm), taking into account the use of metal anchors recessed into the wall to a sufficient depth and a reliable bracket with a variable viewing angle.

Given the small dimensions of current kitchens, this solution will be the only correct and safe one. But at the same time, we must not forget about the heating of the TV case and the need for its ventilation, that is, under no circumstances should it be placed in a furniture niche.

There are some contradictions here with the statements of doctors. Yes, the center of the TV monitor should be at eye level. But what about the fact that for many people, the kitchen is a small room, more like a pantry. In addition, a TV is usually installed in the kitchen so that the person cooking does not get bored.

Therefore, in most cases, people either glance at the monitor in passing, or simply listen. So, we ask ourselves a question. What height would be correct? Let's find a compromise in this case too.

If you purchased an LCD TV and the bracket for it has already been selected, then you need to understand that the viewing angle will be large with a small change in the contrast state.

This applies to horizontal placement. But in the vertical case, everything is a little more complicated. If the viewing angle is tilted downward, the contrast state will be increased and the monitor will appear darker in color. If the viewing angle is tilted upward, the contrast is minimized and the monitor brightens.

This means that you need to choose the place from which you expect the most frequent contact of your eyes with the TV screen.


In this case, the bracket is an irreplaceable thing. They definitely won’t be watching TV in the kitchen all day, which means their eyes won’t have time to get tired.

The best option for the kitchen is a height above your height. At this height you can safely hang a TV in the kitchen. But we must not forget about the bracket. Perhaps you couldn’t think of anything better for a small room called a kitchen.

Calculation of socket height

The height of the television outlet is calculated as follows: take the height of the middle of the TV from the linoleum + diagonal / 2 – the height of the outlet frame. A socket mounted at the calculated height will not be visible from any angle.

When the dimensions of the TV cannot be determined in advance, there is a recommendation to arrange it at a height of 120-140 cm from the floor. This ensures excellent TV viewing and convenience when you need to turn on or off various devices.

TV diagonal and height

Depending on the diagonal of the TV, its location on the wall will depend. The main calculations are as follows:

  • 32” (inches) – 110cm from floor to bottom edge;
  • 40” - 105cm;
  • 42” - 105cm;
  • 47” - 101cm;
  • 50” - 99cm;
  • 60” – 93cm.

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